Facts Every Teacher Should Know About Dyslexia
Teachers get excited seeing their students understand new concepts and grow exponentially in a year’s time. However, there are groups that teachers are unable to help the way they want. This is because they taught such children were bright. They thought were motivated to learn and supported at home. Unfortunately, for some reasons, the kids may struggle with spelling and reading, even with the help of parents and teachers. Dyslexia is quite common than even most people known. Thus, there is a need to seek dyslexia support online. The following are some things teachers should know about this condition.
Dyslexia is real
Just think about it. Autism is known to affect about 2% of all children. However, dyslexia affects over 20% of children. It is a neurobiological difference in the brain, which makes writing and reading difficult to learn. You should note that writing and reading are human-made constructs. Thus, not each brain can learn such constructs without explicit instruction. In fact, it can exhibit differently in each student. Some read quite slowly, and others have extreme difficulty when it comes to decoding. Others are poor spellers.
It is not a visual problem
Children with dyslexia see letters and words the same manner people without dyslexia too. Thus, any particular intervention, which targets the visual system is simply misguided. Such include covered overlays, vision therapy, colored lenses, and colored paper.
It is not outgrown
If you are born with dyslexia, then you will grow old with it. However, with correct intervention, you can learn to improve your writing and reading and even get support to embrace your condition. It is quite destructive and unproductive to inform parents just to wait and see what happens next. It is possible to identify dyslexia as early as possible and help the child.
It is not intellectual deficit
If you have dyslexia and you are struggling to spell, read, and understand, that is not an intellectual deficit. To be diagnosed with this condition, you should have IQ above average or low IQ. Usually, children with this problem are marginalized by the education system. This is because educators do not understand how to teach them. However, you should note that a child with this condition has a huge potential as just like any other student in the class.
Sensible accommodations
Other than intervention, dyslexic students need accommodations so that they can access the curriculum. You should note that this is not an intellectual problem.