What children learn in preschool
When your child reaches the age of 3 to 4 years, he or she will need to start learning how to act around other kids. This is an excellent tool for your child to have when they go off to kinder. If your child never leaves your side till it is time to drop them off at kinder for a whole day of school, this is like getting your first haircut; it doesn’t go that well for the child or the parent.
There are a few skills that will prepare your child for kinder and grade school that we will go over in this article. The Preschool will help your child achieve all that we will talk about and much more.
When you have only one child, he or she will not know how it is like to share with others. Having them in preschool will teach them how to share with others. It will also teach them to wait for their turn and to be patient with others. This tool will help them in kinder, for when they are out on the playground.
This is a tool that the teacher will use on a child once a week; to be a helper. The teacher will have the child hand out papers, pick the book for story time, pretty much will assist the teacher with everything she is doing. This teaches the kids to follow instructions and to be responsible
There is always that one child that is not confident. They won’t ask a question or won’t ask for help. Having them attend preschool will help them overcome that. Having a child do artwork and show their work to their parents will contribute to building their confidence. Also, having them perform in a play with an audience will boost their confidence. Being confident also goes with being shy. The more confidence you have, the less likely you will be shy.
Being in school will help your child in making friends. This will help them approach other kids. This will also help them not be shy. Some children meet in preschool and kinder that will be friends well after they graduate from hight school. Also having boys and girls interact with each other helps them learn how to trust.
Right decisions
When kids start to interact with other children, they start to have choices. They will start to play and work together on activities. They will pick up on different behaviors that they will see from other kids. They will learn which ones are acceptable and the ones that are not. This tool will also help them know right from wrong and help with self-discipline. They will learn their boundaries. They will see first hand the direct consequences of their actions.